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Cyprus Investment Firms

Investment firms are regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), under the Investment Services Law.

The term "investment firm" includes, amongst others, portfolio managers, broker companies, investment advisers, forex trading companies and binary options trading companies, which all fall under the definition of Cyprus Investment Firms (‘CIFs’) are regulated by CySEC.

CIFs license authorisation is subject to capital requirements, depending on the types of services offered.

Nexia Poyiadjis has a dedicated team of specialists who can assist with all regulatory aspects. Our list of services includes:

  • Licensing application for the provision of investment services
  • Internal Audit Services
  • External Audit Services
  • Ongoing support for regulatory compliance
  • Capital Adequacy, Large Exposures and Pillar 3 Disclosures
  • Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
For more information on how we can assist you or to request a quotation, please contact our service experts.

