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Internal Audit, Governance And Risk Management

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Advisory

Regulation on money laundering and terrorist financing has brought unprecedented scrutiny increasing responsibility on substantially any organisation.

Regulatory scrutiny is driving change, and companies must comply with regulatory standards or face enforcement and/or substantial fines. At Nexia Poyiadjis we have developed a deep understanding of AML, financial fraud, sanctions and anti-corruption matters. We have a deep understanding of the laws and regulations around AML and Terrorist Financing and have developed effective methodologies to launch and tailor compliance and governance programs.

Key services

Our team specializes in compliance assessments and remediation work, and are trusted and relied upon by government regulators, law enforcement, financial institutions and corporations across industries. We are engaged as an experienced, independent partner who offers customized and comprehensive solutions for anti-money laundering (AML), fraud, sanctions and anti-corruption matters. We can support you in:

  • Assess compliance programs, policies and procedures. We help perform annual compliance assessments, risk assessments, systems, processes and procedures assessments and independent appraisals, including model validation for transaction monitoring systems.
  • Perform customer due diligence. We help determine whether companies are risk-rating their customers appropriately, using industry standard Know Your Customer (KYC), Client Due Diligence (CDD) and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) tools and processes.
  • We can help with employees evaluation and training to enhance AML compliance culture within your organisation.
  • Design and implement AML compliance programs. We take a comprehensive, 360-degree look at an organization’s compliance policies and procedures, advising on whether they are adequate and helping make any necessary upgrades. Depending on the organization’s needs and targets, we develop and implement essential monitoring programs, staffing, annual safety and soundness checks on the program, governance policies and procedures, risk assessments and relevant internal controls.
  • Assess governance programs and procedures. We can help your organisation assess the adequacy, compliance understanding and risk awareness of your key management and the Board of Directors. We can also help in defining whether reporting lines are efficient, reports contain relevant and important appropriate depth information and are up to date.
  • AML regulatory compliance update service. 

For more information, please contact a member of our team today.

