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Internal Audit, Governance And Risk Management

GDPR Support

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a relatively new EU regulation that was enforced on the 25th of May 2018 at all EU Member States.

It applies to both EU and non-EU entities which are handling EU citizens’ personal data. Although the main reason and principles of the previous directive remain unchanged, the new GDPR legislation has much broader scope in order to protect EU prospects’ personal data worldwide with relevant measures to the fast-changing digital world.

For the first time in the history of data privacy, the GDPR emphasizes on its “by default” and “by design” implementation provisions together with the level of non-compliance sanctions. Consequently, the new GDPR is the most important change in data protection laws in the last twenty years. GDPR is applicable to:

  • any organization established in the EU Member State (whether or not processing personal data in the EU) or
  • a non-EU entity that processes personal data of EU citizens through offering them goods or services (even free of charge) or
  • any company that monitors EU citizens’ behavior.

Failure to comply with GDPR legislation can result in high penalties. It can reach €10mil or 2% of the total global annual turnover for the previous financial year of an Enterprise. Or can be as high as €20mil or 4% in case companies process sensitive personal data.

Key services

Gap analysis
Compliance with GDPR requires a combination of legal, business and technical skills from GDPR experts. We will perform a detailed analysis mapping the present position your organisation is at in terms of GDPR compliance, exposures to the legislation and the distance to be covered in order for your operations to be compliant.
Policy building
We will help you design and build our internal GDPR policy tailored to your organization.
In the event of an information leak arrange for the relevant reporting to the authorities.
Health checks/yearly verifications
If your organisation already has a GDPR compliance program in place, we can help maintain and update the system and identify areas for improvement via our health check service on a yearly basis. 
Key staff training
We can help your team understand better the basics of the legislation, how it applies to your organisation and take practical steps to protect the organisation and themselves.
DPO support or outsourcing
Where your organisation is obliged to appoint a DPO, we can help you outsource that obligation to our team of experts who will help design all the necessary reporting lines to enable a smooth operation and monitoring. 
For more information, please contact a member of our team today.

